Tuesday, 11 September 2012

Kangaroo Burgers

Okay so that's my first post from Down Under, conquered the jet leg, the long haul flight and now I'm settled down, even got a job interview early tomorrow morning.

So to get more acquainted with the place I had no other option but to try Kangaroo meat, hopefully during my stay here I'll be able to hit the outback and shoot, gut, skin and quarter one myself, but for now given my urban location I'll have to settle for store bought meat. Better than nothing.

I have also acquired some sauuuce, as burgers without hot sauce are pointless.

Poured some olive oil and in the pan and slammed the fuckers in, they didn't stick and cooked quite fast on high heat, left them slightly pinkish on the inside but not too much.

Added Australian cheddar on top as well, which didn't melt too well.

Let's add another layer...

Now time for some salad, just to give the illusion that I'm actually being healthy.

And finally let's top this with another slice of bread and obviously more hot sauce.

So that's it for today, now I have to prepare for tomorrow's interview. I also spotted Kangaroo sausages at the shop, they'll be featured in the next entry.

By the way the burgers tasted surprisingly good, nice texture, tasted like horse meat in a way, a bit gamey.