Monday 19 March 2012

8-Bit Militia Salutes Comrades Beavis and Butthead

Who doesn't like retro stuff? I mean if you don't you're probably some sort of boring wanker who has no right to live. I mean what's better than retro games?

Screw Xbox I play old school Nintendo, that should be your mantra, you know something you repeat to yourself every morning while shaving or drying your hair after shower.

Please don't tell me you haven't been getting into 8-bit music lately, okay I've been mostly bollocksed on MXE and other assorted goodies but still any self-respecting nerdy fellow should be going absolutely mad when hearing an 8-bit version of Reign in Blood by Slayer.

There's plenty more decent tunes re-made in that style, I could post links if I wanted but I can't really be arsed that much so you should do your own research.

The shit I'm talking about is so on and so real I need video-graphic evidence to prove just how fucking awesome the whole thing is, there you go here's a teaser of what you could be doing tonight, instead of the boring bullshit you're probably engaged in:

Anyway old school retro games kick ass and if you don't agree they should should ship you to some labor camp far away as you're not deserving of your place amongst us!!! Bla ha ha!

So today I found a gem, a true gem, I mean something that would get proper nineties freaks cream over their pants as if they were actually getting some sort of sexual contact, lol, yeah right!!

So that's the find, yes, I know you now have such a massive boner you just told your mom you can't be making it to dinner as it would be a major distraction, now that you have not only something to do, but the ultimate, I mean the ULTIMATE 90s kid retro game.

The Nostalgia is strong with us tonight, what we have is probably one of the cultiest, baddesst games that ever came out for SNES, obviously Nintendo purists would say that would be Zelda or Mario, but the true kids of the nineties will only have one game to play, Beavis and Butthead!!! BAAAAAAM

This game is actually pretty easy to play, but for us who were brought up in the nineties, with Daria, B&V and rock music on tv, this game is a pearl and as such it should be treated/respected. Its's not just about the way it plays.

Perfection all round from this product, I hope you will enjoy as much as I will tonight. I'll probably end up half comatose in front of the screen in a few hours, but that's how I roll and so should you.

I mean the worst thing that will happen is losing track of time and showing up at work still fucked, but that has happened to me so many times throughout the years it's not even funny. Blud Blud!

I wish a safe, eventual, chemmed up school night for everybody out there!

Peaces out bruvs, and see you next time